As you all know, beside our bee business in Derventa, our desire was to start mission work there and to plant a new church one day. We already have made great contacts with people from city government and by the help from president of the city assembly (Mirko Zemunovic) we have almost finished a road that leads to our land (soon we will reports on that as well as on some other things we have done and will do by your help).
Now, president of the city assembly and I have recently visited one school near Derventa and we talked with director of that school. Our desire was to help those kids there and our friends from TEN (Transform Europe Now) from England gave us a donation so we can do that. The biggest need for kids were to have a TV in a class so that they can have opportunity to learn more staff (things that can’t be found in their books). So as we talked with director we found that with TEN donation we can help two schools (both of schools have over 130 kids overall).
Thanks to all of you who are donating and helping us in all our efforts to share Gospel of Jesus Christ both in Zenica (last update about billboard se it HERE) and Derventa. You all have done great things for us and we are so grateful.
Love, grace, peace and blessings