Today we, as Christians, are facing many things which require from us to show what position (on those things) we take.
Some of those things, or even better to say all of them, are mixed with politics, social issues etc. and we as believers have to give right view on it, of course from Biblical perspective. But that isn’t always easy because the world, and many people we know, have a far different view on those things and many time is not popular to say Biblical truths today since we get accused and rejected for our standings. That even happens among us Christians.
Reason why this things happens to us from this world is obvious – they do not understand what Bible speks about and their mind is can’t comrehend Biblical truthts.
But problem is that those rejections and accusation comes a lot from those who are called our brothers and sisters. Why that happens?
Main reason is that believers are not looking on Bible as a whole book but rather taking just some parts they like and through those parts they are trying to speak about God, about His will and His nature.
If we believe in God – in the Father,the Son and the Holy Ghost, then we have to believe in whole Bible – from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation. And sometimes (or many times) we find in that Book (Bible) things that don’t tickle our ears but rather brings us in position where we need to decide shall we believ that same God and that same Book in spite of our feelings and in spite of what this world or even our brothers and sisters (from church) says.
Theme I want to touch (it won’t be to extensive) is ISRAEL.
Reason I decided to write about it is not based on what this world thinks but on what church of the living God thinks.
As I have talked with many friends and as I have seen many writen post on this issue, I have heard and seen that many have propblems to stand with Israel since they have problem to divide spiritual truths from wordly view.
I know we are called to speak grace and peace to everybody. We are called to preach Jesus and reconciliations people need to have with God. But when those people decide to believe in Jesus and when they come to church will you allow them to bring inside a spirit of this world and hate towards Jews and Israel or you will tell them the truth no matter what happens? Would you make compromise with Bible just to keep pople in your churches or you are ready to stay alone and to stay for the truth?
Yes, we don’t support killing, we support life. Yes we pray for Palestinians as well and for their salvation as we pray for Jews. Anyway, there are things written in the Bible that sometimes our minds can’t comprehend because that same Book speaks about wars, killing etc. And a lot of those things have to do with Jews and Israel (Holy Land) and have to do with last days and returnig of our King and Lord Jesus Christ.
For some of you, who lives in mostly Christian environment, this is still not a big issue (even I see in your countries a lot of riots due to this issue) but for us who live in town with 95% Muslim population and country with more then 51% of Muslim population it is a big deal. You have people who constantly speak bad things about Israel and Jews (yes, among Christians as well) and as soon as you speak good about Israel and Jews you become thier enemies and many Christians don’t want to hang with you and church anymore.
So, shall we avoid this thema today just to not loose members and to have good relationship with this world or we will take our stand and say that we are standing with Israel and with all promises God has spoken over them?
Also I would like to ask: shall we stay with Biblical truths on righteusness and sin or we will submit our selfs to the spirit of this world just becuase that’s fancy?
As for me and my house and our church (like Joshua said) we will serve the Lord no matter what happens and no matter if other people will decide the same.
May the Golden Gate become open again so that King of kings and Lord of lords can come from Temple Mount in Jerusalem!